Learn German lesson 17: Dativ (grammar, exercises)

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Previous lesson: Modal verbs and the future

Lesson 17: Dativ: another case

After the Nominativ and the Akkusativ, let's see another case in German: the Dativ. There are different uses:

1) as an indirect object. We know that direct objects are in the Akkusativ. The indirect object is the person or thing that receives/gets the direct object. Let's see two examples:

  • The man gives the dog to his child.
  • The teacher explains the dogs how to behave.
The direct object is found by asking what/who did the subject do with the verb. So that's:
  • Who/what did the man give? - the dog
  • Who/what did the teacher explain? - how to behave
The indirect object now:
  • What/who was given the dog? -his child
  • What/who was explained how to behave? -the dogs
2) as a direct object with a limited number of verbs. Some verbs use the Dativ for their direct object. Luckily, it's only a limited number of verbs. Some examples are below, there's a full list here.
  1. glauben (to believe)
  2. danken (to thank)
  3. helfen (to help)
  4. vertrauen (to trust)

3) Some prepositions we'll see later.

How is the Dativ conjugated

For the articles and the possessive, it's -m -r -m -n (n), I remember it by the words 'mormon +n'. So for example I thank... will be:
  • Ich danke dem Mann.
  • Ich danke der Frau.
  • Ich danke dem Kind.
  • Ich danke den Kindern.
Noticed the n at the end of Kindern? Good! That's the n between ( ). It's added in the plural to the noun, but only if it fits. For example, if the plural ends with -s then you can't add an n, and neither if the plural already ends with -n. Let's practice!

Underline the Dativ in these sentences:
  1. Er öffnet das Buch.
  2. Wir geben Andreas Julia.
  3. Ihr dankt Franz.
  4. Wir müssen die Häuser haben.
  5. Er kan es dem Herr nicht sagen.

Translate the sentences:
  1. I trust the university.
  2. We give the honey to the children.
  3. The people develop questions.
  4. I help a woman.
  5. They believe the female cats!


  1. Er öffnet das Buch.
  2. Wir geben Andreas Julia.
  3. Ihr dankt Franz.
  4. Wir müssen die Häuser haben.
  5. Er kan es dem Herr nicht sagen.
  1. Ich vertraue der Universität. 
  2. Wir geben den Kindern den Honig 
  3. Die menschen entwickeln Fragen.
  4. Ich helfe einer Frau.
  5. Sie glauben den Katzen!
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Previous lesson: Modal verbs and the future
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