Learn German lesson 5: what's your name? (expressions, words, exercises)

Next lesson: politeness
Previous lesson: how are you?

Lesson 5: What's your name?

If you don't know someone, it might be good to start a conversation by asking the name.

In German, you do so by asking this question:

  • Wie heißt du? (informal)
  • Wie heißen Sie? (formal)

Note: the verb is heißen, (=my/your/... name is). Some Germans still use this form:

  • Wie ist dein Name? (informal)
  • Wie ist Ihr Name? (formal)

The translation is literally: how is your name. What is your name (Was its dein/Ihr Name) is not used, although Germans will understand it. Dein and Ihre are possessive pronouns, we'll see them in another lesson.

How to reply?

  • Ich heiße x.
  • Mein Name ist x.
  • Ich bin x.

You can add 'und du?' or 'und Sie?' at the end, to ask for the other person's name. Mein is a possessive pronoun.

Looking for inspiration to give your baby a German name? Here's a list of popular German names.


We'll see the verbs like heißen in another lesson.

Translate the following sentences:

  1. What is your name, mrs...?
  2. What's your name? (to a friend)
  3. My name is Ulrike (three ways)
  1. Wie heißen Sie, Frau...?
  2. Wie heißt du?
  3. Ich bin Ulrike/ Mein Name ist Ulrike / Ich heiße Ulrike.

Next lesson: politeness
Previous lesson: how are you?
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