Learn Dutch lessons, part 2: Jobs, countries, names

Previous part: introducing yourself
Next part: verbs
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Part 2: Jobs, countries, names

Lesson 9: the alphabet
Download the vocabulary here.

Lesson 10: where are you from?
Download the vocabulary here.

Lesson 11: Flemish or Belgian?

Lesson 12: what do you do?
Download the vocabulary here!

Lesson 13: Dialogue at the bank

Lesson 14: words: at the bank
Download the vocabulary here.

Lesson 15: at the bank again

Lesson 16: read and Google
Part 2: Quiz (solutions below)

Question 1: the name spoken out at the end of the previous lecture is written in:
a) 2 words b) 3 words c) 4 words d) none of a-c
Question 2: Everything you write in Dutch is spoken out.
a) true b) false
Question 3: In the Dutch word 'duren', the letter u is pronounced like 'uu', not short.
a) true b) false
Question 4: how many mistakes are there in the sentence: 'Kan uw u addres geven na de mevrauw?'
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4 f) 5 g) More than 5
Question 5: Ingang (= entrance) is based on 'in' and 'gang' (= corridor). How many 'ng's are pronounced like the ng of going?
a) None b) only the first c) only the second d) both
Question 6: On the question 'waar komt u vandaan?' a possible answer is:
a) Belg b) België c) Uit België d) none of a-c
Question 7: Which word does not belong in the row?
a) bediende b) verkoper c) fabriek d) bakker e) ambtenaar f) a-e belong to the same row
Question 8: Gratis means...
a) for free b) freedom c) good d) beautiful
Question 9: 'Nog een prettige namiddag!' is...
a) completely wrong b) just a bit wrong c) correct

1b: It was Jan Vande Velde. Family names in Flanders often have these kind of family names, starting with van. Sometimes there's spaces, sometimes there are no spaces.
3a: a/e/o/u plus one consonant plus -en means a, e, o or u are pronounced long.
4d: Uw and u are inverted, address is written adres, and mevrauw is mevrouw (it sounds the same though)
5c: If it's a combination of words, n and g are pronounced separately. The ending ng is not a combination. It was a difficult question.
6c: It's different from English. If someone asks you 'where are you from?', in English you can say 'Belgium.' But in Dutch it is not possible, you can choose from uit and van België.
7c: Fabriek. That's a place of employment, and not a job.
8a: It has nothing to do with freedom, which is vrijheid.
9c: It's the same as 'nog een prettige avond' but with afternoon in the end.

Previous part: introducing yourself
Next part: verbs

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