Learn German lesson 8: the verbs in the present II (grammar, words, exercises)

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Previous lesson: verbs: present tense I

Lesson 8: The present tense II

Let's see some more exceptions to the 'weak verbs' after the first batch. If a weak verb's stem ends with -er or -el and is not stressed, the 'e' in the conjugations is left out. For example:

Liefern (= to deliver)

  • ich liefre (not liefere)
  • du lieferst
  • er/sie/es liefert
  • wir liefern (not lieferen)
  • ihr liefert
  • sie/Sie liefern (not lieferen)

Handeln (= to act (not like as in a movie/play))

  • ich handle
  • du handelst
  • er/sie/es handelt
  • wir handeln
  • ihr handelt
  • sie/Sie handeln

If you know the infinitive, you can already notice there is no -en at the end, just an -n as in the wir/sie/Sie conjugations.

Second exception for the 'weak' verbs: those whose stem ends with an 's' or 'z' sound. (s, ß, z and x). In the second person, the 's' is left out. It is for not having to write a double s.

Duzen (= to speak informally)

  • ich duze 
  • du duzt
  • er/sie/es duzt
  • wir duzen
  • ihr duzt
  • sie/Sie duzen

Words (some extra verbs for the exercises):

  • Liefern (= to deliver)
  • Handeln (= to act)
  • Setzen (= to set, put, place)
  • Entwickeln (= to develop)
  • Schließen (= to close)
Translate the following:

  1. he speaks formally
  2. you act (plural)
  3. she puts
  4. you greet (politeness)
  5. you close (singular)
  6. they deliver
  7. I develop
  8. it closes
  9. we deliver

Check the previous lessons' words if necessary.

  1. Er siezt
  2. Ihr handelt
  3. sie setzt
  4. Sie grußen
  5. du schließt
  6. sie liefern
  7. ich entwickle
  8. es schließt
  9. wir liefern
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Previous lesson: verbs: present tense I
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